Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Frozen at Intersection

IwillariseandpraiseJESUS for the passover of the storm, the sparing of our home, and my senior year.

Now "I willa" just have to "arise" to actually finish what I've started, namely, my senior year.

Hmmm, let's see. I'm a bit distracted by my sister singing her own version of the Sound of Music's "Doe a Deer" song, translated to fit her geometry lesson.

Now is a time to scratch things out and start anew. New approach to college essays, new off-the-wall "burning question" topic that won't have me drooling over my keyboard as I research, new way to avoid stress (aka, not eating bowls of cereal after dinner in order to postpone concentrating on the abstract mountains of work ahead of me). I suppose blogging will become my bowl of Pops and peanut butter Puffins. Or, as my mom suggested, a mile on the treadmill might do the trick. But how I adore the convenience of a sedentary lifestyle!

The most current goal of my life is to find that creative research paper topic. There are no limits, except to argue in light and respect of the Catholic Social Teachings followed by my Catholic, Blue Ribbon school of excellence and brainwashed females. I don't tend to hoist the anarchy against my religion anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Architecture, design, Columbia, quirky homes, graphic artists' escapades, Seven Centuries of Verse, 91.5 FM courtesy of Tulane...
these are the quirks of my mind, to what argument do they beg?

Please, inform me, mass unknown that is the random internet procrastinator, treasure hunter, pedophile, human viewer: WHAT SHOULD I WRITE SIX PAGES OF WORDS ON WITHOUT BORRING MYSELF TO DAISIES?

You thought I was going to say death.