Tuesday, October 27, 2009

figure me

humanity. accept the frame of your being. embrace the grace that is God within you, and there you might find peace. Because we know how weak we are. We're often scared to admit it. We try to build up empires, conquering places, making wars and filling pieces of paper that prove a piece of property as belonging to us. It never does. We have so little... yet the temporal sense holds us together in a way we probably take for granted. It keeps us united.
I know I'm going to be flawed! I am flawed!
Change the things that you can, leave the things you cannot, have the wisdom to know the difference.
I would rather be flawed together, falling together now, than alone.
Together we fall now. Together we fly forever if we embrace the God in us.
Lately it's more clear to me than ever that the only one I have to make proud is God. If I can fulfill his smile, my happiness unfolds a thousand times. It's such a simple gift of joy! And yet, giving into my human weakness can take it away from me! We pretend that shying away from God is sufficient. It is not. It balls up and tears our soul down from the inside out.
To make Him smile.
I pray for grace in all my mistakes.

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